Ignoring the Battle is Dangerous to Our Souls

Like most Americans, I am reminded daily of the battles we are fighting both at home and abroad. It seems undeniable that the amount, and intensity, of global terrorism is on the rise. And the news media do a good job of recounting the statistics and keeping the terrible images before us. Car bombings, insurgent uprisings, the kidnapping of foreigners and nationals alike and the ever rising number of victims, killed, wounded or sometimes maimed for life. One account in particular has stayed with me through the years. It is memorable because of the connection that god made for me with what is happening spiritually in our world today. On December 2, 200, Sgt. John Kriesel of Cottage Grove, MN, lost both his legs while on patrol in Fallujah. He and two of his closest friends, Corey Rystad and Bryan McDonough, drove over a 200-pound roadside bomb that killed them and life him without legs and facing months of rehabilitation. After his return home he was interviewed by Ruben Rosario for an article in the St. Paul Pioneer Press article where he recounted some of his experience in Iraq. "We ventured into Ramadi, a town overrun with insurgents. In a two-week period, soldiers discovered 35 to 40 'improvised explosive devices' - IEDs - planed on major supply routes. About five unit soldiers were injured in IED explosions. although none were fatal, 'we kind of looked at each other and thought that someday, our luck would run out'"

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