I Had No Idea

We have just completed our 2nd Cleansing Stream retreat for this fall season.  While each retreat is unique, they often share commonalities, especially within retreat seasons.  The most common comment this time was “I just had no idea.”  They had no idea that they had been performing for God to earn His approval.  They had no idea they had believed so many lies about God, themselves and life in general.  They had no idea Jesus could heal the painful memories from their past, memories that had stolen their joy and were keeping from their God-ordained future.  They had no idea that God was so good, so powerful and so faithful to keep all His promises.  Revelation is a powerful gift of God that brings transformation.

A close second was the discovery of the authority and power they have as a believer in Jesus Christ.  Scripture declares we are not victims but more than conquerors.  We are sons and daughters of the Creator of the universe, the One who gives and sustains life and gives it abundantly.  But we do have to choose to live like it, an act that comes only when we understand our God-given authority and power in Jesus Christ.  As we concluded the weekend retreat, I reminded people that it was not the end but the beginning of a new life for them.  And they didn’t have to be on a retreat weekend to continue experiencing more healing and freedom in their walk with God.

Their discoveries are ones that we all share.  I often find myself thinking, “I had no idea.”  It is a life principle that there is always more, more to learn and more to experience, especially when it comes to journeying with God.  And I often have to be reminded of my God-given authority and power.  We are not helpless victims in our struggles in life but operate from a position where our victory is guaranteed

As another way of helping people make those discoveries, we are offering a Restoring the Foundations, Hope, Healing and Freedom seminar on November 18, 2017, at Thanksgiving Church.  During the seminar, we explore the role of forgiveness in experiencing the abundant life.  We also consider the 4 problem areas that every life issue shares; generational iniquity, ungodly beliefs, soul/spirit hurts and demonic oppression.  Understanding this grid and learning how to use it to analyze our life issues, ensures a steady flow of personal revelation that results in life transformation.  There is often more to learn but there is always more to experience in the way of personal transformation and becoming more Christ-like.

If it has been a while since you have attended an RTF seminar you may want to consider coming to the November 18 event.  There is always something new to learn.  Even better would be to think through the people in your life that could really benefit from attending the seminar and learning to apply the Integrated Approach to Healing and Freedom to their own life.  Invite them to attend and tell them why they would want to come.  It is important to keep in mind people don’t know what they don’t know. We don’t do things until we have answered the why question and you may have to explain to them why they would want to come?

Again, the Hope Healing and Freedom seminar is November 18, 2017, at Thanksgiving Church, 3702 370 Plaza, Bellevue, NE.  The seminar runs from 8:30 am - 1 pm and features both teaching and an opportunity to experience group ministry.  The only cost for the seminar is the seminar workbook which is $10.  Advance registration is required and can be done through our website godslivingstones.org.  Hope to see you and your friends on the 18th!

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