Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Prayer is one of those paradoxical items in our spiritual life, in that prayer is amazingly simple yet mysteriously complex. From the time we are little children, we learn to pray and often pray for those things that concern us.
To pray believing God can work in any situation, no matter how desperate, is the kind of prayer God desires yet is often so foreign to our experience. Indeed, no matter where we are in our walk with Jesus, we must learn to pray! But to pray God’s thoughts after Him, to persevere when we cannot see His answer, to know how to pray in any given situation, and to pray expectantly, with faith, believing we have already received His answer (Mark 11:24) is another matter entirely.
In addition to the items already mentioned, we will review the following key characteristics of an effective prayer life
We go without because we fail to ask God
We are to be persistent in prayer (praying for the same concerns)
We are to pray without ceasing (always)
We are to offer our prayers with thanksgiving
We are to pray in faith, without any doubting
We are to pray in accordance with God’s will
Prayer is the answer for an anxious heart
Prayer brings the peace of God that surpasses human understanding and will guard our hearts
While we never perfect our practice of prayer, we can continue to grow as Jesus teaches us to pray.
We hope it will work for you to join us for this essential and life-giving journey.
Class started August 13, 2022, but since each session has its own application, feel free to join in anytime.
This class has been completed.