Taste and See That the Lord is Good - Ps. 34:8

Prophetic Activation Training is a group and/or individual coaching experience to help followers of Christ achieve the following outcomes: 

  • Confidently Hear God’s Voice
  • Renew and Deepen Your Relationship with the Holy Spirit
  • Ignite Your Prophetic Gifts of Edification, Exhortation, and Comfort

This training includes teaching on the Biblical foundation for spiritual gifts and offers abundant opportunity to both activate and develop each of the prophetic gifts in a way that builds your confidence and ensures safety for all.  

In fulfillment of Biblical prophecy, and as a part of the end times harvest, God is manifesting the true nature of His Kingdom by releasing a fresh season of His healing and restorative work.  New wine being poured out in fresh wineskins that recognizes the uniqueness of every person, and their journey, thus releasing them into their true-identity and purpose. 

With this fresh move of the Holy Spirit, God is also restoring the role of the spiritual gifts in the life of the body of Christ, especially the gift of prophecy.  These words from the heart of the Father spoken at the right time, and in the right way, restore hope, rekindle faith and reveal God’s preferred future.

Understanding Prophetic Gifts

Prophecy is the Holy Spirit breathing life into us with words that create and establish. The primary purpose of prophecy is to encourage the Body of Christ. The world may focus on the problem, but the Lord speaks the solution to us. This gift is used to bring forth the gold, the hidden treasure, in someone’s life.  True prophecy brings:

  • Edification – moral spiritual instruction or improvement, ‘to build up’ 
  • Exhortation – earnest urging by advice or warning to do what is proper or required, ‘to come along side’
  • Comfort – soothing in distress or sorrow, easing of misery or grief, strengthening, ‘to cheer up’

Training Materials

As a part of our training, we use the content and instructional process developed by Walter Cowart in Activate and Develop Your Prophetic Gifts.  In addition to the four teaching videos, there are extensive practicum times where you will have opportunity to activate these gifts of the Spirit and increase your confidence in what you are prophetically hearing, seeing, and speaking.

Video #1 - Prophetic Prayer

Prophetic Prayer lays the foundation for all that follows and encourages you to adopt a prophetic mindset as a lifestyle through cultivating a more robust relationship with the Holy Spirit.  Stirring up your gifts, hearing God’s voice, and paying attention to what is going on around you spiritually are not practices you turn on and off but practices you live out daily.  You will also be introduced to a basic pattern that sets you up to live prophetically: Thanksgiving, Worship, Praying in the Spirit, and Listening/Being Still.  Video Intro

Video #2 - Word of Knowledge

Word of Knowledge is revelation by the Holy Spirit of a very small drop of God’s Knowledge. It is not knowledge gained from study of God’s Word. A Word of Knowledge is meant for a particular season or time, for a particular person or people, for a particular purpose, or for a need at a particular place. {It is a NOW word} You may receive a Word of Knowledge in different ways such as a thought, feeling, impression, dream, or vision.  The purposes of Word of Knowledge include revealing the cause of sickness, revealing divine meeting places, revealing secrets in men’s hearts, revealing root causes in counseling, and giving insight to pray for people. Video Intro

Video #3 - Word of Wisdom

Word of Wisdom is the ability, in the Spirit, to impart special and specific insight, guidance, or counsel that brings life changing results. It is not insight gained by life’s experiences or through human reasoning.  A Word of Wisdom can also be received in different ways such as a thought, feeling, impression, dream, or vision. The purposes of Words of Wisdom include warning of danger, personal guidance, giving assurance of blessing or judgement to come, and/or revealing events in the future. Video Intro

Video #4 - Discerning of Spirits 

Discerning of Spirits means being able to recognize, perceive, distinguish, or differentiate the identity of the spirits that are behind different manifestations or activities. The dividing line between a human and divine spirit may be hidden to some believers, but a person with spiritual discernment sees a clear separation. A person with the gift of Discerning of Spirits can discern when it is God moving, when it is a spirit of man operating, or when evil spirits are present and active. The purpose of the gift is to guard, protect, guide, and properly feed the flock of God. Video Intro

Group Sessions (limited to 10 participants):

  • Format: Zoom Meeting
  • Start Date: Next Session Dates to be announced
  • Meeting Days: 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month
  • Time:   3:00 to 4:30 pm CST or 1:00 to 2:30 pm PST
  • Duration of Training: 9 months 
  • Cost: $93 per month

Individual Sessions:

Individual Sessions can be scheduled with Pastor Bruce.  These 90-minute, twice monthly sessions can be taken in-person or via Zoom meetings.  The cost for Individual Sessions is $240 per month.

Register/Pay for Prophetic Training Activation


Questions: Contact Pastor Bruce Kotila – bruce@godslivingstones.org – 402-290-3480