The Apostle Paul’s Model of Discipleship

Be imitators of me just as I also am of Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1)  Generally speaking, there hasn’t been any shortage of Biblical teaching about the desire/need that every follower of Christ has to discover/live God’s plan and purposes for their lives. Yet, even with an abundance of good teaching, knowing and living God’s plan remains an elusive, and seemingly unreachable, goal for many.  The results have been ...

I Had No Idea

We have just completed our 2nd Cleansing Stream retreat for this fall season.  While each retreat is unique, they often share commonalities, especially within retreat seasons.  The most common comment this time was “I just had no idea.”  They had no idea that they had been performing for God to earn His approval.  They had no idea they had believed so many lies about God, themselves and life in general.  ...

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